
Mi nombre es…

Alexia Franco Pettersen and I am una hija, una sobrina, a wife, a mother, a chef and the owner + founder of Hola Postpartum.

My Mission with Hola Postpartum is to revive + restore the newly recovering postpartum + breastfeeding parent through traditional Mexican recipes known to aid the postpartum body faster as well as to boost the nurser's breastmilk production. I am here to nurture, nourish + honor the postpartum body during the sacredness of new parenthood.

As first a trained chef, and then also a postpartum nutrition expert, certified birth + postpartum doula + lactation counselor, I’ve combined all my life roles together to bring this gift of nourishment to you + your baby.

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Why ‘Hola Postpartum’?

In January 2012, sitting on the couch holding my 3 week old baby I fell into a funk of deeply missing my family + the traditions I grew up honoring. The American life-style of "bouncing back" and acting as if I never grew a baby inside my body was not sitting well with my soul, and I saw the need that this exhausting transition into parenthood could be so much better.

In reaching out and consulting with my parents + mis tías, I started bringing back my culture into my postpartum recovery. First it was the slow cooked caldos (broths) with the floating bones, vegetables + dried chilies meant to restore what my body lost through birth. Then the barley horchata y agua de jamaica, meant to boost my milk supply. And the sopas, albondigas, salsas, stuffed peppers + tacos...oh, the delicious tacos. All food from my motherland, all food with a purpose for me + my baby.

This is where Hola Postpartum was born. An opportunity to learn how fully EMBRACE + WELCOME YOUR RECOVERING BODY. To nurture it. To honor it. To nourish it with the wisdom of intentional ingredients. My hope is you taste the centuries of love + care built into each curated meal, made specifically with you + your baby in mind.

“In those first six weeks a mother should be waited on, served + nurtured.” -

Debra Pascali-Bonaro